FIREBAR® Makes Funnel Cakes For The Midway
This manufacturer builds deep fat fryers for making "funnel cake" sold on many carnival midways. The fryer used a lengthwise conveyor to move the product through the hot oil along the fryer kettle's length. The customer wished to increase heating element wattage to shorten warm-up time and quicken recovery, yet maintain low watt density and not burn the oil.
Since the customer wanted the FIREBAR® to be directly beneath the conveyor, a method had to be found so that the heater's vertical risers near the kettle wall would clear the moving conveyor parts. This was accomplished by angling two horizontal portions of the heater under the conveyor towards the kettle wall, making the major axis bends vertically upward, and then "twisting" the vertical risers approximately 30 degrees to allow a normal exit over the kettle's edge.
In this configuration, heat could be concentrate beneath the moving product and still maintain a convenient termination point for electrical connections. The ability to lengthen oil life and maintain product quality were added benefits enjoyed by using the FIREBAR.
Value Added:
Ability to provide application expertise with a custom FIREBAR solution.