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White Paper: Electrification and Medium Voltage Process Heater Systems
Decarbonization efforts worldwide,led both by industry leaders and legislation, have increased efforts to shift fossil fuel use to renewables. One way many industrial o industrial organizations can embrace this- and already have- is by shifting process heaters systems from fuel-burning to electric.
Retrofitting Your Electric Process Heater
Multiple methods are available to customers when replacing an electric process heater, whether it was produced by Watlow® or someone else. This article is meant to provide a general summary of the process of retrofitting an existing electric process heater that can be applied across industries.
Electrification and Decarbonization Solutions from Watlow®
Converting from traditional gas-fired equipment is an attractive option for many companies thanks to recent advances in heat exchanger technology and process controlling by Watlow®. Read more.
What is OPTIMAX®?
OPTIMAX optimizes heat exchange through predictive technology that redefines modern flow systems. Advanced heat exchangers such as OPTIMAX serve as crucial components in pollution prevention strategies and global sustainability movements. Read to learn more.