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Getting Started With Industry 4.0 Means Taking Baby Steps

The Fourth Industrial Revolution might not last 80 years like the first one did. Still, the transition to smart factories will unfold over time, not all at once. Leaders in the Manufacturing 4.0 movement aim for progress, not perfection. Here are some early examples of the Industrial Internet of Things at work.

Why ATS™ is the Heating, Sensing and Controlling Suite of Tomorrow

In the past, thermal systems always had tradeoffs that often made the “ideal” system out of reach. Whether budgetary concerns limit the number of temperature sensors, tight space requirements limit the number of zones or the technology limits how precise and accurate heating systems are, these systems are often born of compromise. Watlow’s Adaptive Thermal Systems® (ATS™) are designed to provide companies with the tools to build the heating systems they need without forcing compromises.

Abatement of Waste Gases in Semiconductor Fabrication Using Nitrogen Heated with FLUENT®

A first step in the abatement of waste of gases in semiconductor fabrication should be dilution with nitrogen gas. Watlow's FLUENT in-line heater, is thus an ideal way to add the appropriate amount of heated nitrogen gas, preventing condensate build-up and appropriately diluting hazardous gases

You Just Ran 1,000 Feet of Scrap. Could Your Thermal System be to Blame?

While some scrap is inevitable, bad runs are often due to "hidden" issues with thermal elements. Read more to discover if thermal issues are at the heart of your scrap problem.